Extension Division
The Center for Modern Psychoanalytic Studies, founded in 1971, holds an absolute charter from the State of New York to offer a Certificate in Psychoanalysis and is recognized by the State of New York as a licensure qualifying institute for those seeking licensure in psychoanalysis.
Modern Psychoanalysis rests on the theoretical framework and clinical approach of Sigmund Freud and the innovative techniques of Hyman Spotnitz and Phyllis W. Meadow. Its cornerstone is emotional communication, the practice of which allows for the loosening of repetitive and rigid patterns of thinking and behavior. This technique along with others has revolutionized the psychoanalytic field, expanding treatment to the full range of emotional disorders. These interventions have proven valuable to those working in the varied fields of social work, mental health, education, the law, business, and the arts among others.
2021 Spring Extension Division Brochure [download print version]
Violence, Destruction, Survival: British Independent Theory in the Analytic Treatment of a Schizophrenic Patient (Online Presentation)
Saturday, April 26, 2025 | 9:30–11:30 AM (Eastern) | via Zoom
2 CE Credits for Psychoanalysts, Psychologists, and Social Workers
This presentation describes the psychoanalytic treatment of a patient, previously diagnosed as schizophrenic, who at times was severely regressed. [Read more]
Presenter: Jonathan Sklar
CANCELED: A Fanonian Perspective on the Analyst's Experience of Skin Color Difference: One of the Last Frontiers in Multicultural Discourse
Saturday, March 22, 2025 | 1:00 – 3:00 PM (Eastern)
Hybrid Presentation: In-Person and via Zoom
Cosponsored by The Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis
Fanon views sociocultural influences on the unconscious as integral to psychic formation and central to all aspects of every individual’s experience of oneself in the world. [Read More]
Presenter: Annie Lee Jones
One-Semester Introduction to Modern Psychoanalysis (survey course open to the public)
Ten Wednesdays (In-person): 7:00 - 8:30 PM, January 29 to April 9
This popular course offers the fundamentals of modern psychoanalytic theory and technique to those considering psychoanalytic training. Topics include transference, resistance, countertransference, and emotional communication. Open to clinicians and the public.
Misogyny in Psychoanalysis (Online Presentation)
SATURDAY, JANUARY 25, 2025 | 9:30 – 11:30 AM (Eastern)
2 CE Credits for Psychoanalysts, Psychologists, and Social Workers
In psychoanalysis misogyny hides in plain sight, seemingly above the usual conventions of workplace etiquette or even a vague awareness of sexism. [Read more]
Presenter: Michaela Chamberlain, MA, MSc
CANCELED: Working with Sexuality in Couple Therapy (Online Presentation)
POSTPONED, DATE TBD SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2024 | 9:30 – 11:30 AM (Eastern)
2 CE Credits for Psychoanalysts, Psychologists, and Social Workers
This presentation will discuss how to address sexual problems in couple therapy using a narrative approach in which therapists help partners identify and transform narratives that negatively affect their erotic lives. [Read more]
Presenterr: Suzanne Iasenza, PhD
“Can’t go on. Will go on.” Learning From Therapeutic Failure (Online Presentation)
Saturday, October 5, 2024 | 9:30 – 11:30 AM (Eastern)
2 CE Credits for Psychoanalysts, Psychologists, and Social Workers
This presentation addresses an oft-experienced but less frequently discussed phenomenon in psychoanalysis: failure in clinical work. [Read more]
Instructor: Nilofer Kaul, PhD
June Workshop: Clinical Approaches to Working With Child and Adolescent Grief
Thursdays, June 6, 13, 20, 27, 2024, 10:00–11:30 AM
Location: 16 West 10th Street
4 CE Credits for Psychoanalysts, Psychologists, and Social Workers
The Childhood Bereavement Estimation Model indicates that approximately 6 million American children and adolescents (1 in 12, or 8%) will experience the death of a parent or sibling by the age of 18. [Read more . . .]
Presenter: Diane H. Tracey, EdD
Schizophrenia: An Unfinished History (Online Presentation)
SATURDAY, MAY 18, 2024 • 9:30 – 11:30 AM (Eastern)
2 CE Credits for Psychoanalysts, Psychologists, and Social Workers
Since the 1990s, doctors and patients have argued in favor of dropping the stigmatizing S-word, schizophrenia, while introducing alternative terms. [read more . . .]
Presenter: Orna Ophir
Maternal Eroticism in the Analytic Setting (Online Presentation)
SATURDAY, APRIL 20, 2024 • 9:30 – 11:30 AM (Eastern)
2 CE Credits for Psychoanalysts, Psychologists, and Social Workers
This program will involve a clinically based presentation of maternal erotic transferences and how these are addressed in verbatim clinical process. [read more . . .]
Preseneter: Andrea Celenza
Between Remembering and Forgetting: Reckoning with Racialized Transmissions (Online Presentation)
SATURDAY, JANUARY 27, 2024 • 1:00 – 3:00 PM (Eastern)
Hybrid Presentation (In-Person and Zoom) Cosponsored by The Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis
2 CE Credits for Psychoanalysts, Psychologists, Social Workers, and Mental Health Counselors*
*CE Credits for MHCs Provided by BGSP
The backdrop for this presentation is the recent upsurge in racial violence, such as the murder of George Floyd, that underscores the enduring destructiveness of racism and white supremacy in the US. Salberg argues that we are currently witnessing a return of transgenerationally transmitted, inherited racial hatred that had been repressed, denied, and refused.