• Events and Public Courses
  • Events and Public Courses

    Click on heading links for more information on any specific event. The rental space page can be accessed here.

    Misogyny in Psychoanalysis (​Online Presentation)

    SATURDAY, JANUARY 25, 2025  |  9:30 – 11:30 AM (Eastern)

    2 CE Credits for Psychoanalysts, Psychologists, and Social Workers

    In psychoanalysis misogyny hides in plain sight, seemingly above the usual conventions of workplace etiquette or even a vague awareness of sexism.  [Read more]

    Presenter: Michaela Chamberlain, MA, MSc

    One-Semester Introduction to Modern Psychoanalysis (survey course open to the public)

    Ten Wednesdays (In-person): 7:00 - 8:30 PM, January 29 to April 9


    This popular course offers the fundamentals of modern psychoanalytic theory and technique to those considering psychoanalytic training. Topics include transference, resistance, countertransference, and emotional communication. Open to clinicians and the public.

    [Read more . . .]

    A Memorial for Sara Sheftel

    Saturday, February 22, 2025 | 3 PM
    Open to the public via Zoom

    Dr. Sara Sheftel was a committed psychoanalyst, supervisor, and faculty member.  She was a staunch proponent of modern psychoanalysis.  [Read more . . .]

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