Dancing with the Locos: A Comparative Study of Argentine Tango and Psychoanalysis
Friday, November 20, 2015. 7:30–9:30PM
CMPS and NYGSP STUDENT ASSOCIATIONS’ Acclaimed Student Paper Series
It takes two to tango and two to form the analytic pair. While both Argentine tango and psychoanalysis were born in 1881, what else do they have in common? Roséan’s research explores the narcissistic transference in modern psychoanalysis and finds a parallel in a psychiatric hospital in Buenos Aires where Argentine tango is taught as a therapy to schizophrenic patients. RSVP by email.
Lexa Roséan, MA, is an NYGSP graduate, former Student Association President, and CMPS certificate candidate. Ms Roséan began dancing Argentine tango in 1995. She teaches, performs, and DJs Argentine tango, and is the 2008 winner of the US Argentine Tango Championship.